A few weeks ago, [DigitalOcean introduced new **Premium Droplets**](https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/premium-droplets-intel-cascade-lake-amd-epyc-rome) with faster Intel and AMD CPUs, enhanced memory performance, and high-performance disks. Starting today, you may provision these Droplets on Forge when specifying the “Server Size” while creating a new server:

At the time of this writing, Premium Intel Droplets are available in all regions, while Premium AMD Droplets are available in Frankfurt, New York 3, and San Francisco 3.
If you don’t have a **[Forge](https://forge.laravel.com/)** account, now is a great time to sign up! Forge allows you to painlessly create and manage PHP servers which include MySQL, Redis, Memcached, database backups, and everything else you need to run robust, modern Laravel applications.